May 17, 2007

Missing College - renewing poetic license

Not that I was regular student, who got 95% attendance, like several of my friends... but whatever little I attended, and more so the thought of having to part with several of my college mates is making me more than just is giving me a feeling of having lost something which will never return again in this life...

When I woke up this morning, I was bombarded with memories, which is quite rare in my case... perhaps I had a dream, where I was preparing to go to college...and when I awoke, it took me a few seconds to realize I have finished my college life..

I called a few of my close friends, but it was quite early in the morning (10 am) so only a few answered, but it was great talking to them.

I happened to meet my very good friend Ketan online, and asked him to transfer me a few pictures taken on the last day of college.

While the pictures were being downloaded, I read his blog, and was dumbfounded by his poetic skills, which was again a nostalgic journey for me, as I too was once taking the poetic route when for reasons unknown and quite unconsciously I shifted focus to prose.

I now feel like shifting back and renewing my poetic license, how else can I express what I feel about missing college, without using seemingly exaggerated language and out of the world figures of speech??

Beyond Nostalgia.... COMING SOON !!!

May 14, 2007

Mozhi - An exception to my conception of tamil cinema

In the very first few days of my landing here in coimbatore, I was made to watch a tamil film. It was a very bad CD, and more so, a very bad film, made by one of the persons in cinema, whom I very much respect. But the most surprising factor was the amount of commercial success, as well as public infatuation towards that kind of "formula" cinema.

Within a few days after that I watched a few similar films...and trust me I still cannot distinguish between them !

In a situation so pathetic, and so painful that I had come to hate tamil cinema from the" bottom of my bottom" ( a statement often used by my friend Clive), I happenned to watch a film that not only restored my belief in tamil cinema, but also made me salute the director and producer for daring to make such a film in the "formula" world of tamil cinema.

This film also restored my belief in tamil audience, who have made this film a commercial success.

The film which I am talking about is Mozhi (language). Directed by RadhaMohan and produced by Prakash Raj, it is truly a must watch.

Its a very light hearted film with great elements of ingeniuosly conceived comedy, which revolves around a musician falling in love with a deaf and mute girl, supported by his friend and her friend.

"Kaatrin mozhi..." is a beautiful song penned by Vairamuthu and set to tune by Vidyasagar, says language is no neccesity to live this life. Today where the world is heading towards a revolution in communication, the sharp irony of this song surely lingers in the minds of the viewers for quite a while.

A salute to Mr. RadhaMohan and Prakash Raj for this mind blowing effort.

Another thing that struck me in the movie is the video of the logo of duet movies. It can be interpretted in various ways, but simply put, its interesting.

Mar 19, 2007

Misusing the Right to Disappointment

I must admit here that it does make my blood boil when certain things do not go the way they should especially for the Indian cricket team. One of my good friends has taken the effort to post a comment here saying it is not necessary to play the game to enjoy it. Well she is entitled to her opininon, but todays front page in the Times Of India (Mumbai edition) makes me feel I should have a say too about this game which I am so passionate about, which unfortunately millions in this country think they too are.

You may ask me why am I so hyper about this. There was a time (1996 onwards) when I had just one ambition in my little world; To play cricket for the country. The 96 world cup was the first world cup I ever watched with complete understanding of the game, and since then I have been an ardent worshipper of the game.

Why I did not become a full time cricketer, is a plot comprised of several complex instances, which are irrelevant, because the point I am trying make is very simple. A true fan of the game should have the maturity to consider the players who represent us, as fellow humans. Sadly, our audience look upon our cricketers as entertainers. They do not look upon them as sportsmen. Cricketers are looked upon, am very sorry to use this analogy, like slaves in a colossium. Like Gladiators, if you win you get all the glory, and defeat = death.

Well, there is absolutely nothing wrong in us sitting under the roof, with the AC on, cool drinks, lays and lays and lays (no one can eat just one) and saying "are yaar...yeh sehwag ko tho team mein lena hi nahi chahiye". Audience have every right to enjoy, simlarly they have the right to disappointment.

But things go wrong when the audience start to do things outside their AC rooms. Now that is where my point comes in. If you have played any level, by any I mean just ANY level, like for instance even if you have represented your building against the neighbouring building, or your Co Op society against the other, you would obviously understand the pressure of representing a mass.

Let me tell you this. In my school in Bangalore we used to have inter class matches. Class 5 V/s Class 6; Class 6 V/s Class 7 etc. These were unofficial. There were about 120 students in each of these classes and of which only 11 would get to play. This selection would be done on the basis of the internal class matches we used to have every saturday.

At that age I have experienced a thousandth of a fraction of the pressure faced by our players. When you are in class 6, a defeat against class 5 and that is the end of the world. For a whole month after that, School would become hell.

" Why did they take Raman Chander? he is goood for nothing. They should have taken XYZ..."

"just because by fluke he hit 22 (in one over) in selection, he was taken?? now see, in extras only he gave of 7 runs...".

When I walk to the assembly class 5 girls would walk near by, and purposely say..." our boys made mincemeat of the seniors"...

These things would keep ringing in my ears for eternity...

So what I mean is, agreed Sehwag did not play well, may be he needs a break, he needs to step down the order, but the team management and the selection commitee has given him another oppurtunity, and is'nt it the duty of us, the ardent fans of the game to give full encouragement to the team we love??

Personally how many of us are receptive to criticism?? When I called a fan unfit to watch cricket, immediately a flaring response shot up. How much can the players tolerate when the whole country calls them unfit to play cricket??

Imagine every TV channel blaring with news comprised of statements of hundreds saying " Send Sehwag back, I will pay for his ticket" " Dravid is unfit to be captain", " Sachin tendulkar is finished"....and not only that, images like women dressed in cricket gear, staging protests, burning of effigies, and moreover, destruction of houses !! Mahendra Singh Dhoni's house which was underconstruction (given to him by the Jharkhand Government) was destroyed by fans !! He is even threatened with dire consequences !! Fans or Hooligans ?? A fan is a short for fanatic I undersatnd. But be an ardent fan of your team, and do your best to encourage them.

We, being staunch supporters of Indian cricket have to encourage our boys to do well in this tournament. and hello...who the hell defined "doing well" as winning the world cup?. If you did well in your exams, does that imply you have topped?? or is it that if you have scored 80% marks you did not do well??

Looking at it ideally, imagine the difference it would have made for the morale of the team, when messages like " forget the defeat, you can and will surely bounce back, come on Team India..." kept flashing around...

Some people told me that this would mean to the players as " kuch bhi karo..public apna hi zaroor milegi...." they feel this kind of intense pressure is needed to wake up the team. Again lack of professionalism; No one knows their fate better than players if they do not perform.

I would say come on Team India....doesent matter what happens at the world cup. I am still with you.

A salute to those players, who have made us smile on several occasions. We inturn have succeded in making them cry.

Mar 18, 2007

Losing of a game, beginning of a blog...

Time to learn lessons from the Dogs ??
It is quite strange, but incredibly true that the very moment Mushfiq Tahim of
Bangladesh hit the winning boundary against India in India's inaugural match of the ICC cricket world cup 2007, the very first thought that came to my mind (at 3:00 am, yawn !) was to create my own blog !

Though i was'nt exactly feeling sleepy, as i spent another hour playing online cricket ( (I must have played about a million times and each time I chose India as my team and my opponent as Bangladesh and thrashed them around like hell penting all my fury).

Therefore this blog had to wait for 7 hours....

Pakistan ousted from the world cup by Ireland...another shocker. I was particulary looking forward for a crucial India - Pakistan Showdown.

Though I do not believe in terms like destiny, fate, god,....there has to be some reason behind yesterday, the 17th of March 2007 being the underdogs (sorry, they are no more underdogs as they have defeated world beaters)....what the world thought to be as underdogs to tear their opponents apart (snarl...growl...)

I wish I had known that this day the 17th of March would have been an underdogs day( pardon me...I will still call them underdogs...Iam sure they will be shown their place by the giants...and India are still cricketing giants... like hell I care to those critics who send those smses and emails to TV blogs etc.. saying"Indian cricket is finished"," sack Dravid", "send Sehwag home" and so on and so forth...these critics have'nt even held a bat or thrown a cricket ball in their lives at some professional level of cricket.)

Coming back to the day of underdogs, I wish I had known earlier.., I would have rather given my Broadcast Journalism exam instead of coming back retired hurt after having gone all the way to college, (complaining of Severe stomach cramps, giddiness and setting of high fever).

If I had any idea about it being the day of the underdogs...I would have bravely fought my illness and given my exams...after all Iam the Bangladesh and Ireland of academics !
I would have basked in the glory of topping this paper !!